All Assignments
This page lists all deliverables, grouped by due date.
Assignments should be completed and turned in before the beginning of class on the indicated week.
Due Week 15: December 15, 2014
Due Week 12: November 24, 2014
- Project 2 GitHub Project Documentation
Due Week 11: November 17, 2014
- Project 2 In-Class Presentations and Critiques
Due Week 10: November 10, 2014
Printable Tool Research In-Class Discussion
Printable Tool Research GitHub Documentation
HW5 - Portrait GitHub Documentation
Due Week 9: November 3, 2014
- HW4 - Parametric Form (3 from 3) GitHub Documentation
Due Week 8: October 27, 2014
Reading: System of Objects In-Class Discussion
HW3 - Laser Cut Form GitHub Documentation
Laser Materials Testing GitHub Documentation
Due Week 6: October 13, 2014
- Project 1 GitHub Project Documentation
Due Week 5: October 6, 2014
- Project 1 In-Class Presentations and Critiques
Due Week 4: September 29, 2014
HW2 - OpenSCAD 2 GitHub Documentation
HW1 - OpenSCAD 1 GitHub Documentation
Due Week 3: September 22, 2014
Reading: Medium In-Class Discussion
HW2 - OpenSCAD 2 Turn-In via Google Drive Dropbox
Due Week 2: September 15, 2014
- HW1 - OpenSCAD 1 Turn-In via Google Drive Dropbox