Week 5: October 6, 2014

Gentle Reminder

No food or drink in the dFab Lab.

Take turns with one another to take food and drink breaks.

Project presentations

Today, we'll take a look at the collective fruits of our labor.

Let's focus on providing thoughtful and constructive feedback for everyone.

I would like for this discussion to be led by you not me.

A little structure...

For each group:

  • First, we (the audience) provide feedback or ask questions based on observation.
  • Then, you (the presenters) can talk a bit about what you were trying to accomplish.
  • Finally, back and forth between all of us.

Remaining time

If you haven't already, convert your HW1 and HW2 turnins into 2 homework repositories on GitHub.

Follow the structure laid out in the week 3 homework for credit.

If you need some help with GitHub, please let me know.


Project Documentation

I need the following from each member of each group:

  • 1 high quality, edited image (minimum) of the connected forms plus an additional image of each individual form. Neutral backdrop.
  • 1 brief, edited video* of your work if there is an interactive component. 1-3 minutes. No music please.
  • Files (excluding video/series of images) uploaded to all members' GitHub account using the repository structure established for classwork (src, exported, readme, license, images)
  • In addition to the usual GitHub stuff, each repository should also contain a brief (roughly 200 word) PDF describing your project (goals, choices made, outcome, etc.)

* A series of 5-6 high quality, edited photographs documenting the interaction can be substituted for a video

Buy this

Time to get some laser materials!

The easiest stuff to work with is going to be 1/8"-thick acrylic or birch plywood sheets. No larger than 24"x12".

Inventables is one of the most reputable places to order materials.

Bring your laser materials to class on Monday. We'll be going through a process to determine the best settings for cutting and engraving our chosen materials.

Read this

The Ponoko Starter Kit for Adobe Illustrator.

While it is geared towards the specific offerings of the Ponoko manufacturing service, their starter kit has lots of good information about creating designs in Illustrator that will produce good results on a laser cutter.

Some things to note: