Week 15: December 15, 2014

Project 3 Presentations

Today, we'll take a look at the collective fruits of our labor.

Let's focus on providing thoughtful and constructive feedback for everyone.

I would like for this discussion to be led by you not me.

A little structure...

For each student:

  • First, we (the audience) provide feedback or ask questions based on observation.
  • Then, you (the presenters) can talk a bit about what you were trying to accomplish.
  • Finally, back and forth between all of us.

Course Evaluations

  • Open your MICA mail (it must be your MICA mail account, or the link won't go to your specific evaluations)
  • Look for an email with subject like "MICA Course Evaluations OPEN" (or "Reminder")
  • Click on the Online Evaluations link in their email.
  • Choose this course from the dashboard in EvaluationKit.
  • Fill out the survey!

Project 3 documentation due Friday, December 19, 2014

Use the rest of the period to work on your documentation.


Project 3 documentation due December 19, 2014

I need the following from each student:

  • 1 high quality, edited image (minimum) of your finished form. Neutral backdrop.
  • 1 brief, edited video* of your work if there is an interactive component. 1-3 minutes. No music please.
  • Files (excluding video/series of images) uploaded to each student's GitHub account using the repository structure established for classwork (src, exported, readme, license, images)
  • In addition to the usual GitHub stuff, each repository should also contain a brief (roughly 200 word) PDF describing your project (goals, choices made, outcome, etc.)

* A series of 5-6 high quality, edited photographs documenting the interaction can be substituted for a video