Week 10: November 10th, 2014

New Stuff!

I've put together an Assignments page that lists all assignments and what is due.

Using Meshmixer on the dFab Lab machines

If Meshmixer gives you errors about being unable to open C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\meshmixer\library\parts - your account is missing some files. You will need to follow these steps to fix it.

  1. Download the missing parts folder (.zip file here)
  2. Open Explorer and navigate to the right destination:
    • Find your Documents folder.
    • It should have a meshmixer folder inside it.
    • That should have a libraries folder inside it.
    • Open up libraries - it should be empty.
  3. Open the parts.zip file that you downloaded.
  4. Drag the parts folder into the empty libraries folder
  5. Restart Meshmixer if it is running.

You may also have some issues with the Meshmixer popup announcing that a new version is available. If you see this pop up while you are trying to open a file or while another error dialog is visible, you will have to close the file dialog or other popup before you will be able to dismiss the new version dialog.


  • Printable Tool Review
  • Project 2 Work Session

Printable Tool Research Review

Let's go around the room and talk about your printed tools.

Project 2

Presentations on Nov 17th. Documentation Due by Nov 24th.

This project is to be completed individually.

For this project, I would like you to create and print a digital form by merging at least two clean 3D scans of one or more humans.

Use any modeling tools that you like. I recommend Autodesk MeshMixer.

Mateo kindly pointed out that the lab machines in Brown 217 have licenses for Skanect Pro - you can use these to export the full resolution scans if you like.

The dFab lab machines may also have full licenses. You will want to double-check before exporting.

Today is a work session - time to use the scanners, brainstorm with other students, do your modeling, and print.

Presentations and critique will happen next week.


Nov. 10th: Work session. Scan (help each other scan). Model. Print.
Nov. 17th: Project presentations.
Nov. 24th: Documentation due.


Project 2

Finish cleaning up your scans, manipulating your forms, and printing.

Presentations and critique will happen next class.

If you still have printing to do after class today, it is your responsibility to make time to visit the lab. Please take note of the lab's hours and/or talk to Ryan regarding options.

You can also take advantage of the new printers in Brown 217.