Week 4: September 29, 2014
GitHub usernames
I would like everyone to write their GitHub username on the piece of paper which I'll be passing around. Do this first.
Any questions about creating modules?
2D to 3D
Using Adobe Illustrator to create an extrudable shape.
- Download this Adobe Illustrator script (here).
- Create your vector in Illustrator.
- Move path(s) to 0,0 on the artboard to get a decent reference point.
- Organic shapes should be simplified using Object > Path > Add Anchor Points and Object > Path > Simplify...
- Select path(s) & run script using File > Scripts > Other Script... (then choose
) - Open the file in OpenSCAD.
- This is supposed to use 1 point to 1 mm, however you will need to double check the results. Use resize in OpenSCAD to scale things properly.
Test fitting
Use the digital calipers to create a form which fits onto your found object. Keep the printed form small and iterate until you have a good fit. You may need to use sandpaper or an exacto knife to help reshape the form; this is normal. :)
Open Studio
You have most of the period to work on your project. If the printers are in use and you would like to leave and try again later, please let me know. I'll ask you to show me the exported .stl or .scad file first.
I will be around to provide assistance as needed. Please let me know if you need any help.
You can print during lunch - either watch the print yourself or take turn watching each other's prints.
Guest Speaker!
Please welcome Todd Blatt, a Baltimore-area 3D designer.
Project is due next week
Complete project. If you still have printing to do after class today, it is your responsibility to make time to visit the lab. Please take note of the lab's hours and/or talk to Ryan regarding options.
Two important things:
- Do not wait until the last minute to print. (This will not be an acceptable excuse next week for your incomplete work.
- The dFab lab is not a turnkey fabrication service. You must monitor your own prints.